Start with a Theme
Choosing a theme is a really important part of party planning. It sets the tone for the party and helps provide your guest with an idea of what to wear or what to bring. Holiday parties such as Christmas and Thanksgiving are easy because the theme is already set. However, if you are having a party that is not on a holiday, it is best to choose a theme that is appropriate for that event. Be sure to keep your eye out for my future blog post on party themes!
Search Pinterest for Inspiration and Ideas
Pinterest is the best thing that has ever been created! I use it daily to look up new recipes to try, ways to decorate my home, and to come up with new party ideas! Not only do you see posts created by people like you and me, but you can organize the pins you like and save them to boards. And if you don’t think that I have a board for everything then you are wrong! Sometimes when I am stumped on how to set a table or struggle with which décor to get for my theme, I just search for the idea on Pinterest and find the solution right away.
Pick a Date and Time
Setting the date and time for your party can really make a huge impact on your budget. The time of year that you plan your event can impact the choices you have on food and décor. For example, if you want to throw a Christmas party in July, you will have a difficult time finding Christmas décor and food items. Also the starting time of your event can impact your budget. If you want the party to start at 5pm then you should be prepared to serve dinner to your guests. However, setting the start time for 2pm or 8pm means that you can get away with serving just snacks and finger foods. This will help cut down on your food cost.
Use Facebook or Text Messages to Send the Invitation
Most people today have a Facebook account that the check regularly so to save money on invitations, just create an event on Facebook. Creating an event on Facebook allows you to keep track of the amount of guests easily and also allows you to update your guests on any information they might need to know. For those who are not on Facebook, text messages also work! Now for most parties you can use Facebook but please note that I am NOT recommending that you use it for ALL events. Sometimes a good old fashioned mailed invitation can really set the tone for the party such as a wedding or a baby shower. Also one more thing to keep in mind with invitations, make sure to send them out far enough in advance for people to plan ahead. For small intimate parties, I would send invitations about 3-4 weeks ahead of time. For large parties such as baby showers, graduation parties, or weddings, I would send the invites 2-3 months in advance.
Set Your Budget
Sitting down and writing out a budget is probably the most important part of party planning. It helps you make sure you can afford the type of party you are planning. Lauren Conrad’s book Celebrate describes the best break down of a budget.
“To start, figure out a number that you (and, if applicable, your co-hosts) are comfortable with and break it down as such:
30% Menu
30% Bar
30% Décor
10% Buffer
100% Budget
“Don’t be married to this formula; simply use it as a jumping-off point. For example, you might want to plan on a bigger bar budget for a New Year’s Eve bash than you would for a baby shower. Consider the event and adjust accordingly” – Lauren Conrad
Choose a Small Intimate Guest List
Choosing a small guest list will not only save you money but will create a more intimate experience. When you have a small amount of people coming you can afford to do nicer items instead of grabbing 10 $5 pizzas and some paper plates. When you put more effort into the food and décor, then your guest feel more valued which in turn creates a better party experience.
Ask Guests to Bring a Dish or Drink
It’s ok to ask people for help. Let me say that again…IT’S OK TO ASK FOR HELP! In fact many of the parties I have thrown could only be accomplished with the help of others. I usually find that my guests WANT to bring a dish to pass or their favorite drink so they love when I ask them to do so. Plus, It gives them a chance to show off their new recipe or their drink mixing skills. The one thing to note here is to create a running list of things that guests should bring so that you don’t have duplicates. You wouldn’t want two of the same salad when you are still in need of desserts. Again the best way to coordinate this is through a Facebook event by listing out what is needed so your guests can see. Then they can post a comment stating which dish they would like to bring and the other guests can see it as well.
Make a List of Items You Need to Buy
As my husband always says, “If it’s not on the list, we aren’t buying it.” Making a list can stop you from those impulse purchases while you are at the store. I know I am guilty of that! Making a list also makes sure that you don’t forget the important items. Eric and I use the app Cozi for our list making because it allows us to see the list on our phone while we are shopping and it even allows you to check the items off as you go.
Get Thrifty
DIY is my greatest weapon! Some of the ideas I see on Pinterest are too expensive for my budget so I get creative! The dollar store and thrift shops are easy places to buy inexpensive décor items. The dollar store is a great place for traditional party supplies such as table cloths, streamers, balloons, cups and plates. It is also great for Birthday party favors such as candy and small toys. Now the thrift store is great for décor items and even serving ware like bowls and trays. I even got my nice china set from a thrift store! My rule of thumb is to always look for my items at these stores first and then purchase the rest of my items at other stores. This also rings true for the food items. Eric and I love to shop at Aldi first because they sell non name brand food items which brings the cost down significantly. Finally, search for the best deals at the grocery stores and always check to see if there is a coupon for the items you need. Every penny you can save helps!
Be Flexible
My next tip is to be flexible. I know sometimes I can get caught up in wanting to find the perfect item for the party but sometimes that item doesn’t exist. So I have to learn to be flexible and find an alternate option. Sometimes my plan A doesn’t work out and I may have to use plan D but when it comes down to it, your party guest won’t know what your original plan was. So as long as you know that changes will have to made to your plan then you can roll with the punches.
Have Fun!
This is the most important tip! The whole reason you are planning this party is to have fun! So do it! It doesn’t matter if the cupcakes you made didn’t turn our perfectly or that you bought the wrong colored table cloth. All that matters is that you spend time with your guests and enjoy yourself. At the end of the day you still pulled off a great party that people will be talking about for years!
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