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The Best Baking Supplies That You Absolutely Need in Your Kitchen!

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

Ok so I’m going to be honest….I’m not a professional when it comes to baking. I have only made cookies, cupcakes, brownies, and the occasional pie. I have also burnt cookies, screwed up ingredients, and have straight up made some inedible deserts. So some would say I am more of a novice baker BUT I have found some tools so far that I couldn’t imagine baking without. Check out the list below of my favorite items so far:

Measuring Cups and Spoons

My favorite measuring cups and spoons are from Rosanna Pansino’s baking line with Wilton. I love the fun colored silicone handles and the fact that the measurements are etched into the handles (which means they won’t rub off in a few years). The sets also comes with a metal ring to keep them all together, so one doesn’t go wandering off.

Also, if you don’t know who Rosanna Pansino is, check out her YouTube page here. She is a really talented YouTube star who bakes a lot of fun and nerdy deserts!

Silicone Pastry Mat

A pastry mat is a must if you want to make cut-out cookies or pie dough. I absolutely love my silicone pastry mat because it stays in place and is easy to clean up. Plus, most of the ones you find out there will have guides on them to show you how big you should roll your dough for pies.

Hand Mixer

Hand Mixer

Now I’m going to be honest, I also have a KitchenAid stand mixer but I have used it maybe twice since I have gotten it. I keep telling myself that I’ll use it when I make a cake, but I haven’t gotten that brave yet. For me, the hand mixer is much easier to use when I am making a batch of cookie dough or cupcakes. It’s also much easier to lick the beaters!

Grid Lined Parchment Paper

One of my least favorite things about baking is cleaning off the baking sheets. So when I saw this grid lined parchment paper at the store, I was really excited to try it out! Not only does it help keep the sheets cleaner, it also has a grid on the paper that makes it easy to cut to any size!

Silicone Spatula

Another favorite of mine is my silicone spatula from OXO. It is heat resistant, flexible, and easy to clean. I love it’s simplistic design and the fact that there are no ridges for the dough to get stuck on.

Cookie Scoop

My last favorite items (for now) are my medium and small sized cookie scoops from OXO. I love that it has a silicone handle which makes it easier to squeeze. It also makes perfect shaped cookie dough balls. I never make chocolate chip cookies without it!

Thanks for checking out this list! Stay tuned for more of my favorite items as I attempt to move on up the baking chain. Next stop, Cakes!

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